There are many couples out there who are wondering about when is the right time to get a divorce. Firstly, let me state clearly that divorce should not be the first option as a way out of marital problems. Marital problems are bound to occur but you are and your partner are expected to meet it headlong and resolve it. This is why marriage is for adults and not kids or young people how may not be able to cope with the troubles of having and keeping a family.
You should only consider divorce if your life or that of your kids are in danger. If your spouse has turned to monster that could not be controlled, it is wise to start considering bringing the marriage to and. Deciding to end it is not sinful on your part. You are taking the necessary action for security purpose.
Another thing that may prompt you to go for a divorce is case of unfaithfulness. If your partner is unrepentant in his infidelity, then it is high time you end the marriage. continual case of infidelity means that he or she is no longer in love with you. Get a divorce lawyer to start the proceedings on your behalf.
If you are experiencing anxiety as a result of the problems in your marriage, I urge you to quickly ask your partner for a divorce. You will be the better for it instead of staying in a marriage that is not giving you joy.